

Please don't cheat. Please don't refresh the rewards page, or keep cards you have traded already. There's no real way for me to enforce this rule, or to stop you from cheating. After all, TCGs run on the honor system. But, if you think about it, the game probably wouldn't be as fun if you were to cheat. But, if you still really insist on cheating, just make sure I don't catch you...


Please register with a simple and unique name. If someone has already taken the name, simply add a number to the end or just pick a new one! (ex: if Sam is taken, try Sam2 or Samantha). Also, no funny spellings, l33t, or anything hard to decipher upon first glance. (ex: no one wants to type fL4m3Rgr1rox4eVa)


Please do not direct link the images. This means save the images to your computer and upload them to your own server. There are also a handful of image hosting sites out (Photobucket, ImageShack) so this should not be a real problem. I don't have much bandwidth. ^^;

Trade Post

Please have a functioning trade post when you join. Your trade post is just a website for you to display your cards. If you need hosting, there are a number of free hosts out there (GeoCities, FreeWebs) for you to use. However, please do not use any hosting service that requires the user to sign in to view the site (MySpace, Xanga, etc). LiveJournals are acceptable as long as the post is viewable by the public. If you include your favorite fictional character in the comments section of the join form, I'll respond with one random normal card. Feel free to use any blogging service as well (Blogger, Wordpress, etc) which are rather handy for keeping your activity log.

Speaking of which, your activity log is an essential and very necessary. You must keep a detailed log of how you have acquired your cards, masteries, level ups, market purchases, etc, along with your trades. For an example of a trade post, see here.


Please remember to register at the FORUMS! This will make your life and my life a whole lot easier. Please register with the same name you put down in the join form.


That's all folks! Now that you've read the rules, fill in the form below!