The Kitchen

You acquire a kitchen the moment you join Sweet Banana. It is, of course, completely empty and up to you to stock your kitchen with the needed equipment in order to cook. There are three stages to mastering the Kitchen. For each stage you must acquire all of the equipment listed below. There are no level restrictions, just as long as you get your hands on the items.

There are a couple ways you can acquire equipment for all three stages:

When you've purchase a piece of equipment, you don't have to wait for me to give it to you, just grab it from the page. When you master a Kitchen Level, you'll receive rewards and prizes, as well as special abilities. Fill in the Kitchen Mastery form to claim your reward.

Keep in mind... For abilities like Payday-abilities with levels-level 2 replaces level 1! Do not use both abilities together. This means, you should not take $30 a week from both abilities, but only $20 a week from Payday 2. This does not apply to abilities without levels.

Keep in mind...You also get to keep each non-level up ability, so by the time you master Stage Three you will have five non-level up abililities and two level up abilities.

Keep in mind...When taking more than Choice Cards, no more than TWO can be from the same deck.

Chef Progress

Stage One Cerri, Colleen, Karen, Korinee, Lexi, Manda, Mirraya, Pentori, Rin, Smam, Tyna,
Stage Two Lexi, Tamaneko, Tyna, Mirraya
Stage Three n/a
Stage Four (Pastry Chef) n/a

Stage One

Reward & Abilities

Reward 3 random normal, 2 random puzzle, 2 random special, 1 regular coupon, 25 Earn 10 apples per week; Recieve one choice normal card per week Take the double reward for one weekly game, each week

Stage Two

Reward & Abilities

Reward 3 choice normal, 1 choice special, 5 random normal, 3 random puzzle, 2 random special, 2 regular coupons, 35 Earn 20 apples per week; Recieve one choice normal card, one choice special per week
Reward Refresh the reward page once for all games Weekly buy one get one free deal on any item at the market, except on kitchen equipment

Stage Three

Reward & Abilities

Reward 5 choice normal, 2 choice special, 8 random normal, 2 random puzzle, 5 random special, 1 regular coupon, 1 special coupon, 100 Receive 30 apples per week; Recieve two choice normal cards, two choice special cards per week Pick two food card types and receive five of each type per week
Reward Take double the reward for two weekly games, each week (one from the Wednesday set, one from the Saturday set) You become an Iron Chef and earn two points for every deck you master towards Cook-Off.

Stage Four (Pastry Chef)


Pastry Equipment

Reward & Abilities

Reward 7 choice normal, 3 choice special, 8 random normal, 2 random puzzle, 5 random special, 2 of each coupon, 100 Pick either Dessert & Dairy or Confectionery type of food cards and receive five per week.
Reward Refresh the rewards page twice, for two games. Earn two points for every Dessert & Dairy or Confectionery deck you master for your Cook-Off team.